Brandon Cabero
to Rebecca Sterling

I don't know what part of the world life has taken you to now because, as much as I wish it were different, our communication has dwindled quite a bit in the last year. An email here, a text message there, occasionally a phone call that results in a week-long game of phone tag before someone on the other end finally answers. Even then, though, the calls rarely last longer than ten minutes, tops - but more often than not, it's a few minutes worth of exchanging pleasantries and making sure you're still alive before we're waiting for the next free moment or whatever else it is that prompts us to pick up the phone, fire off that text message, or type up another email that won't be replied to for awhile.

I called dad today, something we both know I only do when I have no other options, just to see if he'd heard from you. I'm pretty sure I knew the answer before he said a word, but I suppose that was also my way of keeping the lines of communication open between him and I. It's funny how you're not even here and you're still one of the (very) few reasons I talk to him. Perhaps it's time for me to truly let bygones be bygones when I do want him to have some kind of a relationship with the twins. But that's a topic for another day; a day where I feel like dredging up all the daddy issues I've collected and nurtured over the years. I've already made this more about him than I ever intended to, so let's move on.

There are two actual reasons I'm emailing you now. First, and most importantly, I wanted to check in on you, make sure you were doing okay, see if there was anything you needed that I could get for you. Really, anything, all you have to do is ask. Second, I wanted to see if you would be coming back to New York anytime soon. With the twins first birthday coming up really soon, Holly and I are going to need all the help we can get to keep up with events for clients - especially going into the holiday season, which is one of the busiest times of the year - and to plan the second biggest event of our personal lives. Second only to our wedding, of course. And with these things, we trust no one more than you.

Wherever you are, whether you can make it back or not, just let me know. Either way, I'd love to hear from you, even if only so I know you're good and safe and staying out of trouble. The twins would love to hear from you, too, but for an entirely different reason. They just miss Aunt Bex, and all the gifts you've sent from your travels can't possibly make up for you being here. (Not that I'm trying to sway you one way or another.) Call or text or reply when you get this, when you get a chance, but we (all) hope to see you sooner rather than later. (Preferably before the twins' first birthday, if not before their first birthday party.) (And I'll stop trying topush you into the decision I want you to make.)

Love you,