Perfect Event Productions, LLC
to Brandon Cabero, Holly Cabero, Jessica Kulesza, Katrina James, Rebecca Sterl.
Perfect Event Staff,

With a new administration taking over the highest offices of our country, and signing into effect a variety of executive orders that infringe upon our way(s) of life in a multitude of ways, we understand what many of you may be feeling, because we are feeling it, too. This last week and a half (give or take a few days) has been fraught with an unprecedented (at least in our time) level of fear and uncertainty for most of us, and given what the last 11 days have looked like, there's no telling what it is the future holds for those of us who are not respected or accepted by those who have come into power. It's no longer a question of "will it happen?," because they have already proven that even if they can't, they will.

Perhaps that is the most terrifying part of our current social and political climate, but the truth is that every part is terrifying for those of us who are affected in the greatest ways. As a Mexican-American who was raised by a single mother that was diagnosed with cancer when I was only a child, almost every part of every executive order signed in the last 11 days has resonated with my life, which is why we will do everything we can to resist what is happening all around us - and that includes making sure every one of you who are also affected, in whatever way, know that there are people who will stand by you, and behind you, to ensure that you are heard, that you have help, and that you are not alone in your struggles.

When Holly and I started this company, we had no idea of the ways it would grow in the years to come. All we knew was that we wanted to give and do and be the very best of ourselves by creating something beautiful for the clients who hired us. We didn't expect that we would be featured in publications viewed the world over, or that our list of clients would one day grow to include individuals who we could never have imagined ever meeting, let alone working with and for. And we could never have fathomed that our team of two would grow into what it has all these years later. We have so many people to thank for that but it is every one of you, who have become like family to us, that deserves most of that recognition.

We are still, by definition, nothing more than a small business, and neither our voices nor our reach are particularly impressive, but we want each and every one of you to know that we are here for you. If you are facing legal issues because of these executive orders, we have a team of lawyers at the ready to help. If you need time off to be with family or friends who are facing the worst, we will accommodate you. If you are (at risk of) having financial troubles because of this, we are more than willing to work with you and help. If you want to take a day off to attend a protest or anything related to that, just let us know. We want nothing but the best for you and now, more than ever before, we need to stand together.

Brandon and Holly Cabero